Depression is a mental problem most often found in the information age (elderly), tentungya this need penatalaksanaan holistic and balanced on the aspects of physical, mental and social.
In addition, the depression in the elderly and diwaspadai be detected as early as possible as it can affect the way the disease and the physical quality of life.
"The involvement of the family since the beginning of active therapy, a step that is very important and should be adopted with a view to providing support on the patient and the results will have positive impact on the sustainability of treatment or less left to be," said psychiatrist Dr experts. Suryo Dharmono, SpKJ (K) from the Division of psychiatry - geriatrics, Department of psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM-FKUI), media in education, on Thursday (27 / 6), in Jakarta.
Early detection, information Suryo Dharmono, need to be cautious for depression, especially in the elderly with degeneratif type of disease, treatment of elderly in the old hospital, elderly with chronic complaints somatis, imobilisasi with the elderly and elderly with prolonged social isolation. "Waspadai if elderly patients showed subjective complaints of chronic fatigue or declining physical condition without a known cause of klinisnya, This is likely due to depression," he said.
In addition, changes in attitudes elderly depression treatment also foreshadow the elderly, such as changes in adherence to treatment, disregard medical advice, take the medicine without advice from your doctor, in violation of diet food. "Please diwaspadai also if there are kekambuhan repeated treatment of the chronic diseases that already dideritanya despite optimal therapy, motivation and a low level of participation, loss of interest in the preferred activity, sleep disturbance, decreased appetite to eat; change the nature and behavior," said Suryo.
The prevalence of depression in the elderly in the 8-15 percent range and the results of meta-analysis of reports from countries in the world to get the average prevalence of depression in the elderly is 13.5 percent with the male-female comparison 14.1: 8.6 percent. The prevalence of depression in the elderly undergoing treatment in hospital and house care of 30-45 percent.
Depression in the elderly are often slow because the detected picture is not typical klinisnya / spesifiasi. Depression in the elderly appear more somatis in the form of complaints, such as chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, decrease in body weight, and so forth. Depression in the elderly can also appear in the form of behavior agitatif, ansietas or decrease in cognitive function.
A number of factors spark depression in the elderly, antra other factors biologik, psikologik, chronic stress, the use of drugs. Biologik factors, including genetic factors, structural brain changes, vaskular risk factors, physical weakness. While factors psikologik spark depression in the elderly, the type of personality, interpersonal relationships, life events such as sorrow, loss of loved persons, economic difficulties, the situation changes, chronic stress and the use of certain drugs that are not appropriate medical advice.
According Dharmomo Suryo, the factors that must be considered in the therapy in elderly depression, namely: the process of change by deed ripen, medical status or physical komorbiditas disease, functional status, the interaction between drugs, the effectiveness and side effects drugs and social support. "Penatalaksanaan depression in the elderly include biologik and psychosocial therapy," he said.
Biologik therapy with the drug antidepresan, electric convulsive therapy (ect), sulih hormone therapy and Transcranial Magnetic stimulation (tms). While psychosocial therapy aims to overcome the problem psikoedukatif, namely the personality maladaptif, distortion patterns of thinking, koping mechanism that is not effective, interpersonal relations, obstacles. This therapy is also done to overcome the problem sosiokultural, such as limited support from family, cultural constraints related factors, changes in social roles.
In the year 2025 the number of elderly in India is estimated to increase 4-fold, because of health problems more prominent elderly, while the efforts of health services for the elderly is still very limited in quantity and quality. Being older means having a variety of changes both physical and psychosocial in line with the increasing age. "Ripen is part of the process of life that can not been, but the quality of life must remain awake so that efforts can be healthy, active and independent.
by. Bram Irianto
In addition, the depression in the elderly and diwaspadai be detected as early as possible as it can affect the way the disease and the physical quality of life.
"The involvement of the family since the beginning of active therapy, a step that is very important and should be adopted with a view to providing support on the patient and the results will have positive impact on the sustainability of treatment or less left to be," said psychiatrist Dr experts. Suryo Dharmono, SpKJ (K) from the Division of psychiatry - geriatrics, Department of psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM-FKUI), media in education, on Thursday (27 / 6), in Jakarta.
Early detection, information Suryo Dharmono, need to be cautious for depression, especially in the elderly with degeneratif type of disease, treatment of elderly in the old hospital, elderly with chronic complaints somatis, imobilisasi with the elderly and elderly with prolonged social isolation. "Waspadai if elderly patients showed subjective complaints of chronic fatigue or declining physical condition without a known cause of klinisnya, This is likely due to depression," he said.
In addition, changes in attitudes elderly depression treatment also foreshadow the elderly, such as changes in adherence to treatment, disregard medical advice, take the medicine without advice from your doctor, in violation of diet food. "Please diwaspadai also if there are kekambuhan repeated treatment of the chronic diseases that already dideritanya despite optimal therapy, motivation and a low level of participation, loss of interest in the preferred activity, sleep disturbance, decreased appetite to eat; change the nature and behavior," said Suryo.
The prevalence of depression in the elderly in the 8-15 percent range and the results of meta-analysis of reports from countries in the world to get the average prevalence of depression in the elderly is 13.5 percent with the male-female comparison 14.1: 8.6 percent. The prevalence of depression in the elderly undergoing treatment in hospital and house care of 30-45 percent.
Depression in the elderly are often slow because the detected picture is not typical klinisnya / spesifiasi. Depression in the elderly appear more somatis in the form of complaints, such as chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, decrease in body weight, and so forth. Depression in the elderly can also appear in the form of behavior agitatif, ansietas or decrease in cognitive function.
A number of factors spark depression in the elderly, antra other factors biologik, psikologik, chronic stress, the use of drugs. Biologik factors, including genetic factors, structural brain changes, vaskular risk factors, physical weakness. While factors psikologik spark depression in the elderly, the type of personality, interpersonal relationships, life events such as sorrow, loss of loved persons, economic difficulties, the situation changes, chronic stress and the use of certain drugs that are not appropriate medical advice.
According Dharmomo Suryo, the factors that must be considered in the therapy in elderly depression, namely: the process of change by deed ripen, medical status or physical komorbiditas disease, functional status, the interaction between drugs, the effectiveness and side effects drugs and social support. "Penatalaksanaan depression in the elderly include biologik and psychosocial therapy," he said.
Biologik therapy with the drug antidepresan, electric convulsive therapy (ect), sulih hormone therapy and Transcranial Magnetic stimulation (tms). While psychosocial therapy aims to overcome the problem psikoedukatif, namely the personality maladaptif, distortion patterns of thinking, koping mechanism that is not effective, interpersonal relations, obstacles. This therapy is also done to overcome the problem sosiokultural, such as limited support from family, cultural constraints related factors, changes in social roles.
In the year 2025 the number of elderly in India is estimated to increase 4-fold, because of health problems more prominent elderly, while the efforts of health services for the elderly is still very limited in quantity and quality. Being older means having a variety of changes both physical and psychosocial in line with the increasing age. "Ripen is part of the process of life that can not been, but the quality of life must remain awake so that efforts can be healthy, active and independent.
by. Bram Irianto
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