What difficulties and constraints in the face in fact and reality?
Like the saying "People have the patience, the heart is the beloved of God"
What difficulties and constraints in the face in fact and reality?
What difficulties and constraints in the face in fact and reality?
In the case of "can not afford LETTER DETAIL (SKTM)
In the "died in HOSPITALS"
When death occurs at home sick, so the first step is to be completed to complete the administrative costs and fees when there is arising, then the next step is to pay to rent a car ambulance, and this is required and must be because there are no exceptions like anyone of those poor of all levels. Besaranya The set is in the city of Rp. 150.000, - (one hundred fifty thousand rupiah), outside the city have special tariff bargaining, because much depends on proximity of the goal. How and when used up all the time too long, then we can negoisasi solutions or approaches to other institutions, agencies such as the Red Cross or other Hospitals, on the cost of its tariff-only difference is thin, not too far.
Dipoting By:
Bram Irianto.
What difficulties and constraints in the face in fact and reality?
The experience has been that since I get to work in Panti Wredha (home for the elders) owned one of the Regional Government, that in the year 2006 until the time this article was written, had repeatedly submit the registration service in respect to "HEALTH INSURANCE FOR PARENTS NEXT LIFE AND AGE OF HOUSE Located in the residence ", and repeated the same result always failed and there is no one application that has been granted.
Like the saying "People have the patience, the heart is the beloved of God"
In the case, Indonesia has been famous in the world as a noble nation that always respect the parents, the capital is not enough if the problems associated with the above. Based on Health Regulations of in the State has asserted that the residents who are poor, or weak economy, but when they undergo Inpatient hospital in the government, all costs incurred have been borne by the State, provided that the administration has met the requirements as "CARD PARTICIPANTS FAMILY HEALTH INSURANCE POOR "or for those who can not have a show" LETTER ECONOMIC CONDITIONS people are not able to "issued by the Head of the Head of Kelurahan (district) groove or be reinforced by the local Head (Head of Area)is also local.
Of course this also applies to the elderly people in the house of the elders (Panti), and from that experience was that the author of the participants proposed that the author, clearly they come from the poor and displaced, and most of them used to live alone without family or relatives (a kara) and they live on the streets, some other people occupying the house does not have a sister relationship.
About the reason of the officer who handles insurance, and always re-repeated thousands of times is the "Medium IN PROCESS" without providing a clear time limit, so forth, there are even some instances that we have given a copy letter including the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, but from the tunnel, and not one of overt participate or support the successful join. Why not?
Obstacles and limitations that occur, according to facts and reality that we face is
IN MATTERS outpatient.
When one of the elderly's home institution, the experience sudden shortness of breath, and then on the letter from the doctor cf. local health clinic, that they must immediately get outpatient treatment to home medical.Se arrival there, the house treat the sick, the first time asked who is the insurance card, or letter does not afford.
What difficulties and constraints in the face in fact and reality?
When can show the card when the insurance, then the next step is to get the patient directly medis.Tetapi of the next step is the limitations that will arise, in this case is the cost incurred due to the existence of some type of health care who can not claim the insurance by the , the cost of physician services, equipment rental costs, the cost of drugs (usually drugs or non-patent generic drugs), cost rays, and so forth. Further described by the hospital staff that there is no klain for outpatient treatment. In the end, what can be made, would not want, like or not like, forced to spend not less, than later sipasien died too quickly, complexity is the budget allocation for the cost of treatment is not.
What difficulties and constraints in the face in fact and reality?
If the patient is required by team doctors Hospital, the Inpatient and duration more than 3 (three) days, then the patient will not be charged the cost of one dollar is, because everything has been Klain by the insurance, unless the cost of a ticket of 5000 rupiah, This refers to the local regulation, which does not provide exceptions for the poor though. Difficulties and limitations that occur only in the first course, when all patient rooms have been fully available, and does not provide emergency room, including roomsEmergencyUnit.
In the case of "can not afford LETTER DETAIL (SKTM)
In principle, almost the same, even if there are only slight differences and not too far, except for the status of the patient population is not clear, or where too much, such as between the Province, between the District, there is no way forced to pay the whole cost, because if managed kependudukanya status (resident status register), can be bound to fail, in because procedures, the status of the population may have been removed, and many other possibilities, and the cost must be paid enough.
How, when the cost of health care is very-very huge? for example up to ten million or more than that.We try to do is to other hospitals, if these efforts fail, then the other way is forced to bring the patient back to the house for basic treatment anti despite dip in the risk of death in Panti slowly (autonesia passive) can be ascertained; Can make all because of the way we have, because the situations and conditions that force, because the kemampuan the residence, because there are rules that limit, the limitations of authority, difficulties looking for sponsors, and so forth. Who is most guilty? Why not? What if in a year have 10 (ten) persons who have experienced the same fate? I just hope that the prayer should never happen, Amen.
In the "died in HOSPITALS"
When death occurs at home sick, so the first step is to be completed to complete the administrative costs and fees when there is arising, then the next step is to pay to rent a car ambulance, and this is required and must be because there are no exceptions like anyone of those poor of all levels. Besaranya The set is in the city of Rp. 150.000, - (one hundred fifty thousand rupiah), outside the city have special tariff bargaining, because much depends on proximity of the goal. How and when used up all the time too long, then we can negoisasi solutions or approaches to other institutions, agencies such as the Red Cross or other Hospitals, on the cost of its tariff-only difference is thin, not too far.
Conclusion is maximizing (optimal) all of the limitations, are each facing problems with courage, overcome the problem clever, have the creative spirit is not broken, do not cry-baby, do not fear death, then to all the social workers get such a task is, the more where the residence is the house owned by the local government budget situation is very, very minimal.
Therefore my advice to the young, avoid it as much as possible to be elderly people are poor and neglected, so that life is not oppressed, not the burden of life, your life is not wasted in smoke, and for the young, spunky, rich , have an important position, do not dissipate the parents who have advanced age, though how they first had to render the nation and the state of a beloved ini.
Saran me to the government, have little human feeling for those who are elderly have more - more of their poor status, give some ease, although the age they live a little, or have an element of land, in order to give an example to the young-young, so they still have to respect the elder, as a nation that has religious and cultural urbane noble, Amen.
Dipoting By:
Bram Irianto.
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